Ever since I can remember I have had really strange dreams. This is what this blog will be all about. What you are about to read cannot be explained but can definitely be enjoyed! I will say one thing is that my dreams usually have celebrity guest appearances! Always remember to keep your dreams alive!

Monday, December 5, 2011
Zombieland ... that always happens to me
There I was in my ever reacurring nightmare, being in a zombie apocalypse. My family, friends and boyfriend fled to the mountains. We hid out there for a couple of years and built a crazy reinforced cabin to keep the random zombie herd attack and machine guns on the roof to kill them too if need be. One day there were too many zombies and they started destroying our cabin! We jumped on top of what was left of our cabin and started shooting the walkers like crazy! Don't forget the pepper spray apparently in my dream this time spraying pepper spray in their eyes killed them too. There were a few close calls, at one point one grabbed me by the foot and almost bit it off!, but we all fled the scene and made it out okay. The next thing we decided to do is something you should never do during a zombie apocalypse; head towards a major city. We thought that maybe since it had been a few years that the zombies may have died down in the city and gone elsewhere to find food. When we got there we saw something we never expected! Zombies milled about freely but normal people were still around too; driving around in armored trucks and in super enforced buildings that could move up in the air on cement pillars to avoid a zombie attack. We went into one of these buildings to see what was going on and one of the guys inside told us that the U.S. was now ruled by an evil dictator. He made the country mostly safe but you had to keep going about your life slaving away doing jobs and all in the meantime avoid the flesh eating zombies! This place was a nightmare! I got so upset I woke up.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Play My Videogame!!!
Click on the link to go on an adventure with the famous pirate Blackbeard!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
It's Over When the Fat Lady Falls in Love...
I am in Park City, Ut with all of my friends for my birthday. We decided to stay in a huge lodge about the size of a sports arena. We run around the hotel drinking and laughing when all of a sudden a pink mist appears over the mountains. It moves swiftly headed straight towards our lodge! As soon is it gets really close the mist starts curling around the people outside and the people trapped in the mist keel over. Panicked, I ran to find my friends and luckily one of them knew what was going on. It was a mystical being which looked like a Poke'mon name "Mew". She had come to feast on the humans and drink their blood but first she grabs her victims by tantilizing pink smoke. We saw the pink smoke going around the lodge all of which looked like lonk tentacles reaching out. We hurried and closed all of our windows and doors and once I reached the last one she had already made it through the window just a little bit. I slammed the window shut on it but the pink smoke turned out to be a solid mass that just looked like smoke so it just stayed there sticking in through the window. One of my guy friends couldn't resist touching it after I told him not to, but the spell was too strong and he did. He broke out in chicken pox and a high fever. Turns out you end up dying from chicken pox before she eats you. After waiting a couple hours the pink mist disappeared to reveal a fat lady covered in blood and laughing. My friend said now that the creature was full that it must find a man to love before she would leave. My friend said that she would go talk to the fat woman creature to find her a man to take her away. When she came back I noticed my boyfriend was missing! My friend told me that she convinced my boyfriend to go with the fat lady and that this creature put a spell on him to make him fall in love with her. Devastated I ran up to hug him and he shoved me away saying he didn't love me anymore and to get away from him. He then left with this fat lady creature and I went inside the lodge to cry. Then I woke up relieved to have it be untrue!!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A Dinosaur is my Mom
I was a on a cruise ship when a large orange Dimetrodon (type of dinosaur) came up to me telling me to get on her back because a Triceratops (another kind of dinosaur) was coming and we had to get out of there! But it was too late we heard a roar and the Triceratops came storming down one of the hallways where the cabins were. Once she got up to us she proclaimed that she was going to be my mother now and steal me away from my true mother the Dimetrodon. I of course still being human didn't question who my mom was for a single moment, the Dimetrodon of course! We ran all around the cruise ship trying to dodge the crazy dino I don't know what happened after that because I woke up.
My Pirate website!!!
Check out all the scoundrels that were sailin' the seas during the golden age!
click here >> PIRATES
click here >> PIRATES
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Taylor swift tried to steal my prince!
I was running for my life on the beach from a flesh eating creature that looked between a hyena and alligator. He was jumping on people and just tearing away at their flesh, yikes! He came up to me and I kept throwing meat at him but then I ran out. So I did the only thing I could think of doing next; I ran up and kissed it on the mouth. All of a sudden the creature changes form and became a super gorgeous handsome prince! He said thank you and that he had been under an evil spell that only true loves kiss would break. Then, the ocean began to glow and bubble and a path way came out of the ocean. He told me he was the prince of Poseidon! We casually walked into the ocean and once we got under the sea there was a beautiful castle!! We went inside and everyone cheered and thanked me that the prince was home! We began to explore the castle and run around being flirtatious this was just too good to be true! He took me to the famous restaurant in the castle where we sat down to enjoy a fancy meal!! Someone came walking up towards us and who do you think it was? Taylor swift! She came and sat down next to me and said hello then immediately began flirting with my prince! He said he had to leave for a minute and would be right back. I told her she should probably leave and that my man and I were enjoying a dinner together (surprised that I was not star struck at all!) She laughed at me and before she could say another word the prince came back and sat on the other side of me and presented a ring!! He told me it was his mothers and to try it on. Overjoyed I reached for the ring but before I could get it Taylor Swift snatched it away from me!!! She tried it on and said how beautiful it was. Tears filling my eyes with rage the prince grabbed Taylors hand and took the ring and told her to get lost. Offended and hurt Taylor finally left us alone and the prince and I lived happily ever after!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Bam Margera and I hear news the world is ending...from a fly
Bam and I were skiing down slopes with Nitro Circus ( a group on TV that performs crazy stunts). They kept on deciding to take me on black diamond runs which was terrifying seeing as how I am a beginner skier! When on the black diamond runs I found myself rolling, tumbling and sliding down the slope so as not to die! When we all got to the bottom of one of our runs the chair lift came to life and turned into an enormous fly!! He flapped its wings a bit and looked around as people were screaming and fleeing for safety. The fly looked at Bam and I and said "The world is coming to an end, aliens are coming." I was terrified! Suddenly one of my friends turned into an alien and flew up into space where he withdrew discs from his mouth and threw them at the alien spaceships! he also formed balls of energy from his hands to defeat the aliens and all was well.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Mary Poppins is Evil
I was trapped in a swimming pool area with about 50 other people behind a mansion. We were all panicked and had no idea why we were there. A young man kept harassing me and trying to dunk me under water. Sooner or later Mary Poppins appeared through the back door of the mansion. She laughed evilly proclaiming that we had to start fighting for our lives because she was about to release a huge beast upon us! She told us to not even think about trying to climb the fence surrounding the backyard area because it was an electric fence. Everything turned into chaos! A ginormous pink beast with huge fangs started grabbing people with its claws and eating them! I had to find a way out! I found a gate but was sure it must have an electric current running through it, but I decided to give it a chance. I lightly touched the door to discover that I did not get electrocuted! I opened it quietly and started running as fast as I could and started descending down a hill. The annoying young lad from earlier grabbed me by the arm. I turned around yelling at him to please let me go! He started singing to me with a very beautiful and suddenly we kissed!..Then I woke up.
Monday, October 24, 2011
I Married a Killer Whale!
(mind you before you read this that I could not control the words coming out of my mouth the entire dream) I found myself about to tie the knot with a lovely young man who I didn't know. When all of a sudden he decided to call of the wedding and left me, I was crushed. My mom decided it was time for an arranged marriage, so of course I said ok. Next thing I knew I was on the beach in a wedding dress standing next to a Killer Whale. I started to cry and my mom asked me what was wrong. I cried "Do I have to live in the ocean for the rest of my life?" She said "Of course you do! He's your husband!" So after our wedding me and my new husband made our way into the ocean. For some reason breathing and talking under water was no problem. After swimming for a while my whale of a husband started crying. I asked him "Whats wrong?" He said "All my friends pick on me because they're bigger than me!" I said "Don't worry honey you're big to me!" Flash forwarding year down the road, my friends came to visit me in the cave that I lived in with my husband (under the sea of course) They asked how I was and I said great and then they asked where my children were and I said "They're playing outside." Then I woke up.... and I don't want to know what my kids looked like
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saving Baby Elephants in Yellowstone
My family and I decided to take a trip to Yellowstone where my younger sister could try out her paragliding skills (which she doesnt even do) for some reason. We decided to stay in a hotel that was located in the trees. The rooms were located in separate tree houses (so cool!). Where a young man decided to keep harassing me and trying to convince me what a badass he was. I decided to try my sisters gliding contraption but before I could do so I took a few shots to ease the nerves (I can calm nerves in dreams with booze?). After running with it faster and faster off the hill as soon as I was airborn I was a natural! I glided up through the trees and down over the hot pots, it was beautiful! I decided it land in one of the hot pots that I guess was ok to swim in. The hot pot happned to be the most famous one in Yellowstone National Park called the Grand Prismatic Spring, and not to mention one of the hottest in real life! As I dove underneath the water I noticed a gray lumpy form lying at the bottm. As I got closer I realized it was a baby elephant!! I just had to save the little guy so I grabbed him and brought him up to the surface. When I got the poor thing on land it came to and told me thanks and that it was very sad and tried to commit suicide. I told him not to worry and that I would take care of him and be his friend. I took him ont the paraglider all the way back to the treehouse hotel. He loved it! Soon as we arrived I found a couple more baby animals in my room also waiting to be my friend...and then I woke up.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Jewish Teddy Bears Back For Revenge!
This dream was very fast-paced! I find myself as a stuffed toy rabbit with mostly teddy bears for friends along with other stuffed animals. We were all having a picnic in the park when a huge army of teddy bears came storming at us from the hills. We were scared and had no clue what was going on. As soon as the teddy bears reached us, they proclaimed that they were jewish and were going to take anyone of german descent with them to be destroyed! I don't have german ancestry but some of my friends that were with me did!! They hauled them away and I had to make a plan to save them! After just plainly deciding to sneak in to their newly built concentration camp, I found the endeavor to be successful. I found the pit they were throwing bits of body parts with all the fluff coming out everywhere! I look in the pit to find all my friends had been destroyed!!! Devastated and in a fit of rage I gathered all the German teddy bears and we bombed the crap out of the concentration camps. That's when I woke up.
(I of course am no neo-nazi nor am I a bigot of any sort, but this dream is pretty hilarious in the sense this was teddy bear violence)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I Accidentally Got Married to Beyonce!
I find myself at a bachelorette party in Lake Powell on a houseboat. We play all the goofy games you usually do at a bacherlorette party. After that, a woman who was hosting the party said that we would now do a fun fake wedding for all the girls and to pick a partner. She said to meet out on the water in innertubes. Next thing I know I am floating in the water next to Beyonce! We talk and laugh as if we had been best friends for years. She asked me if I would be her partner for the fake wedding. I said of course and we paddled our way over to the woman on shore. She conducted a brief wedding ceremony and everyone laughed as we put wreaths of flowers on eachothers heads instead of kissing at the end. Later the hostess tells us that she is a real priest and that we were all now legally married to who we picked. Everything was chaos from that moment on. In a fit of rage we kicked the hostess off the boat. Beyonce quickly called her husband (Jay-Z of course) to tell him the news. Once she got off the phone she told me that I should come to California with her to discuss what we should do. Once we got there I marveled at her large beautiful home! It had a horse stable in the back with acres and acres of land. You know, all the amenities that celebrities have. We walked in to find Jay-Z waiting for us. He told me that he wanted to keep this out of the press and the public. So we made a deal. I would live with them in their home, keep my mouth shut and they would provide everything I needed. Including my tuition and travel, all the above! I was delighted to accept the offer. We all quickly became best friends! Jay-Z told me he thought of me as a little sister. I decided I wanted to take a drive around the place to get familiar with my surroundings. Jay-Z tossed me some keys and told me to go for it. I walked into their garage that held about twenty cars. After I clicked the unclock button on the keychain the headlights lit up on a car that I couldnt believe I was going to drive... A ROLLS ROYCE CONVERTIBLE! I couldn't believe it! I ran to the car and took a drive. While on the cruise about town I accidentally crashed into the front doors or a high-end boutique. I decided to turn around and take off only to find the cops weren't far behind me. I pulled over and once the cop got up to the car he told me he saw it was Jay-Z's car and that I could leave and not worry about it. I was so thrilled!!! I picked up my phone to call my mom about my whole new living situtation...But then I woke up.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Lady Gaga Had a Baby...Its a Puppy!
My little sister Emily and I found ourselves bored one day, when she told me that she was going to call Lady Gaga to come hang out with us. I called her a liar and that she didn't know Lady Gaga! She gave me a smug look as she dialed a number on her phone. She put it on speaker so that I could hear who the person was...It was Lady Gaga sure enough! She told us to meet her at my grandparents house. We soon found ourselves there enjoying some beer with the superstar! Next thing I know Lady Gaga falls to the floor with a pained look on her face. I ran to her and she told me to call an ambulance because she was going into labor! I hurried and got an ambulance to come and get her and we rode to the hospital with her. Emily and I asked her whether she was having a boy or girl. She told me something I was not expecting...She was going to give birth to a puppy! She exclaimed that it was the new celebrity fad going around, but I hadn't of course heard of such things! My sister and I waited outside the delivery room when her manager came through the doors saying that she would call us later and to go home. A few days later Lady Gaga rings up my sister asking us to come see her new baby puppy! As soon as we got to hold the new addition to her family. She decided to name her puppy "Monkey". Avoiding telling her how odd the name was, was easy because paparazzi surrounded her house! Some 8-year-old kids somehow got in and picked up the puppy. I put Monkey in my hand and told him to go to sleep. Immediately he did and I put him on the fireplace mantle to look like a decoration. After we made sure everyone was gone I left to go hang out with my dad; Only to find out I had missed my entire shift at work...But then I woke up.
Friday, September 9, 2011
The World is Ending and I'm Justin Bieber
My journey started when my boyfriend, Justin, and I were watching the news and saw that scientists were saying that meteors were headed towards Earth and were going to hit us all over the globe! We ran to the hospital for shelter and on our way we saw a meteor in the sky that was so gargantuan that it almost covered the entire sky! It flew over us and we were grateful. We then got inside the hospital just as the next meteor struck the city close by to us. It left everything in ruin. Everyone who survived walked around looking for things that could be salvaged. Justin and I heard a loud boom from a distance and saw smaller pieces of space rock rocketing towards us, and they were on fire!! He and I and my whole family ran to the nearest shelter we could find. We found a large gazebo in a park. Right then, a meteor crashed right through the roof and we all luckily dodged out of its way. After we made sure everyone was okay I walked up to a large creature that was deep red-violet and lying on the ground. Justin ran up to me saying it was a dragon!! I stood over it wondering where it had come from and surely thought it was dead. I turned around to talk to my boyfriend when all of a sudden he had a terrified look on his face. I turned around to see the dragons face was right behind me! He was eye-to-eye with me. Before I could run the dragon said "don't be afraid I came here to find you!" He told me that he was my dragon and that he was my friend. I hopped on his back and he flew me all over the world to show me the destruction the meteors had caused.
England seemed the least damaged and he dropped me off there. Justin, my best friend Jessi and her boyfriend Jess met me there. We went to the VMA awards where we ran into Justin Bieber. He told me he was tired of being famous and wanted a normal life for a day. He asked me if he would switch bodies with me and I said "Ok but only if my boyfriend can come too." Justin Bieber said ok and that we would be David Beckham. Next thing I knew, girls were chasing me down while my bodyguards were protecting me. My boyfriend who now looked like David Beckham was with me as we walked into the place where they were holding the VMA awards. I went onstage to accept my award and thank my fans, I was so nervous I would mess up!! I was so elated to have so many people cheering for me! After my boyfriend and I mingled with celebrities and fans we quickly set out to find Justin Bieber. After I found him (which was so strange to be looking at my body but that Justin beiber was inside it!) we switched back and he said thank you as we went our separate ways. My boyfriend and I quickly found my friends. We all went bar-hopping in England and it was a blast! Then I woke up.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Scott Pilgrim Vs Cloverfield
I was in new York city staying at the Carlyle when all of a sudden the hotel started shaking violently and people were screaming. I look outside to see a giant mass outside my window of what I knew to be the monster from the movie Cloverfield. I was scared because my grandparents were staying in the suite on the top floor. When I ran upstairs the top of the building was severed from one side and the monster was tilting it towards his mouth. My grandparents were holding on for dear life in their beds when I decided to jump down and save them. My boyfriend helped me back up because I could not reach them otherwise I would fall into the monsters mouth. We ran downstairs to talk to the employees about what the authorities were deciding to do. Me and my boyfriend ran to Grand Central Station and the monster followed us there. It barged right through the entrance and started killing every body. Then the creatures that were on the monster just like in the movie started killing everyone. All of a sudden everything turned into a videogame! Everything looks pixelated and kind of like a cartoon! I started getting points for dodging the creatures and avoided the huge monster's tail that would swipe towards me from time to time. Falling ceiling and pieces of the station were also points earned or miss for dodging as well. Then all of a sudden fuzzy looking creatures started hovering above me and I had to wipe off my shoulders as fast as I could or they'd lay eggs in my skin. I lost that segment of the game and didn't know what creatures would be born and could kill me.
I ran outside only to find a gray haired man in his mid 50s, wearing a hawaiian shirt, storm towards me. He grabbed me by the shirt and told me he was looking for me. I said "Who are you and what do you want?" A man standing behind him proclaimed that this angry man holding me was the creature that was destroying the city. I said "How could this be?" He said he changed into a human form so that he could talk to me. He said he was angry because the suite my grandparents were staying in at the Carlyle was promised to him and it was my fault because I set it up. I said I was sorry and I'd get them out of there so he could have it. He said thank you and let me go. I said "Now that I held up my end of the bargain, could you do me a favor and get these eggs out of my skin so that I won't die?" He said of course and started yelling at the eggs to "get out!" they didn't budge and he yelled "GET OUT!" even louder and the eggs all hopped up out all the way through my clothes and went into his hand. I said thank you and he gave me his card and said if I had any problems to call me. I said thank you and went on my way. A couple days later back at home in Utah, I was driving to school when all of a sudden tiny versons of the hideous creatures were coming out of my sweatshirt that was laying on the passenger seat. I reached down and started swiping them away from me. I thought I saw one on my window and swiped towards it and saw a huge black and yellow spider. Normally I have bad arachnophobia but I left it there in hopes it would eat the tiny creatures that kept crawling towards me. I turned to try and keep driving when I felt something bite me! I was sure I was done for because I knew the normal size of the creatures made you explode if you got bitten. I looked down and saw the spider had bit me. I said "OW! what did you do that for?" and it said "One of them was crawling on your arm and I ate it. Sorry if I accidentally got you too." I said thank you and the spider said "It looks like you have a problem" I yelled "I know I need to go to the creatures place!" I found his card in my car and saw he conveniently lived in Utah. I drove to his home and showed him the creatures crawling around in my car. He said "I'm so sorry it looks like you got more eggs than I thought" he held out his hand and the little monsters crawled onto it and then I woke up.
I don't know why I dreamed this because I haven't seen the movie Cloverfield in a long time, maybe it was because I was in NY recently. On the other hand Scott Pilgrim Vs the World I have seen recently. If you haven't seen any of these movies heres some links to give you a better idea.
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